Fallout new vegas legion companion
Fallout new vegas legion companion

If you’re going to ally yourself with the Legion, you won’t want him in your group for any of the Legion quests. 1 Base game 1.1 List 1.2 Temporary followers 1.3 Cut followers 2 Dead Money 3 Honest Hearts 4 Old World Blues 5 Lonesome Road 6 Overview 6.1 Nerve 6.2 Weapons 6.2.1 Armor 7 Behind the scenes 8 Bugs 8.1 Fixed bugs (Patch All eight permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas. The game right at the start paints the Legion in a negative light and gives your character reason to dislike and be adverse to them, much like the Legion in Fallout New Vegas where your first interaction with them is also a negative one which gives your character reason to dislike/ be adverse to them. How to make the legion forgive killing cato on accident? All game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective owners and licensors.

Fallout new vegas legion companion