If you’re going to ally yourself with the Legion, you won’t want him in your group for any of the Legion quests. 1 Base game 1.1 List 1.2 Temporary followers 1.3 Cut followers 2 Dead Money 3 Honest Hearts 4 Old World Blues 5 Lonesome Road 6 Overview 6.1 Nerve 6.2 Weapons 6.2.1 Armor 7 Behind the scenes 8 Bugs 8.1 Fixed bugs (Patch All eight permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas. The game right at the start paints the Legion in a negative light and gives your character reason to dislike and be adverse to them, much like the Legion in Fallout New Vegas where your first interaction with them is also a negative one which gives your character reason to dislike/ be adverse to them. How to make the legion forgive killing cato on accident? All game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective owners and licensors.